How to make a return?
How much time do I have to return goods purchased at
You have 14 days from the date of delivery to return the products. Returns delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Do I have to provide the reason for the return?
It is not mandatory, but very valuable to us.
Are all products returnable?
Yes, however, the returned product must have both tags that are originally attached. In addition, the clothing must not have any traces of use (dirt, stains, odors and must not be washed). Otherwise, the return will not be accepted and will be sent back to you at your expense, or the refund amount will be reduced by the cost of washing or repair.
How long will I wait for a refund?
The refund will be made within 14 days of your application being approved.
How to make a complaint?
Please contact us by e-mail using [email protected]. Send photos of the advertised product and briefly describe the reason for the complaint. We will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible and inform you about the next steps.
*If your complaint will be accepted, the goods will be repaired or replaced with a new one. If this is not possible, we will refund you the equivalent of the price of the goods.
1. The Customer who is a Consumer and the Entrepreneur with the rights of a Consumer who has concluded a Sales Agreement via the Online Store may withdraw from it within 14 days without giving a reason.
2. The deadline for withdrawing from the Sales Agreement starts from the moment the Goods are taken over by the Consumer, the Entrepreneur with the rights of the Consumer or a third party indicated by them other than the Supplier.
3. Authorized persons referred to in par. 1 and 2 above may withdraw from the Sales Agreement by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Seller. The statement can be submitted on the form, the model of which is provided by the Seller below, as Appendix 1: Withdrawal form. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. The Seller immediately confirms to the Consumer and the Entrepreneur/entrepreneur with the rights of the Consumer the receipt of the form submitted via the website.
4. The Seller is obliged to immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the statement of the Consumer or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights on withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, return to her/him all payments made by her/him, including the cost Delivery of the Goods to the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with the rights of the Consumer. The Seller may withhold the reimbursement until receipt of the Goods back or delivery by the Consumer or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights of proof of sending back the Goods, depending on which event occurs first.
5. If a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with Consumer rights exercising the right to withdraw chose a method of delivering the Goods other than the cheapest usual method of Delivery offered by the Seller, the Seller is not obliged to reimburse the additional costs incurred by them.
The Consumer or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights is obliged to return the Goods to the Seller immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Sales Agreement. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send the Goods back to the Seller’s address before the deadline expires.
6. The Consumer and/or the Entrepreneur with Consumer rights shall be liable for the decrease in the value of the Goods as a result of using them in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods.
7. The Consumer and the Entrepreneur with the rights of the Consumer are not entitled to return the Goods in the cases specified in more detail in art. 38 of the Act on Consumer Rights, including in particular in the case of Goods manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.
9. The Seller returns the payment using the same method of payment as was used by the Consumer or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights, unless the Consumer or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights has expressly agreed otherwise return, which does not involve any costs for him/her.
10. The seller accepts returns sent to the following address: Suava, ul. Zielniczki 5, 63-000 Zielniczki, Polska.
11. The Customer bears the direct costs of returning the Goods (i.e. the costs of its packaging, securing, shipping).
12. The shipment should be marked in a visible place as “Return of Goods”.
1. All Goods available in the Store come from a legal source, are original and free from defects.
2. The Seller ensures the Delivery of Goods free of physical and legal defects. The Seller is liable to the Customer if the Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty).
3. The complaint may be submitted by the Customer in any way that sufficiently reveals his will.
4. Mark the parcel in a visible place as “Complaint”.
5. The Seller shall be liable to the Consumer for the non-compliance of the Goods with the Sales Agreement, existing at the time of their delivery and revealed within two years from that moment, unless the expiry date of the Goods specified by the Seller, his legal predecessors or persons acting in their name is longer.
If the Goods are inconsistent with the Sales Agreement, the Consumer may demand that they be repaired or replaced.
6. A response to the complaint will be provided within 14 days from the date of filing the complaint.
In order to facilitate the implementation of the complaint, the defective Goods should be returned by sending it to the following address: Suava, ul. Zielniczki 5, 63-000 Zielniczki, Polska. In the case of a Customer who is a Consumer and an Entrepreneur with the rights of a Consumer, the cost of delivery is covered by the Seller. A description of the complaint must be enclosed with the package, using the form available here.
7. The Seller may make a replacement when the Consumer demands repair, or the Seller may make a repair when the Consumer demands a replacement, if bringing the Goods into compliance with the Sales Agreement in the manner chosen by the Consumer is impossible or would require excessive costs for the Seller. If the impossibility or excessive costs concern both repair and replacement, the Seller may refuse to bring the Goods into compliance with the Agreement. When assessing the excess of costs for the Seller, all circumstances of the case are taken into account, in particular the importance of the non-compliance of the Goods with the Sales Agreement, the value of the Goods in accordance with the Sales Agreement and excessive inconvenience to the Consumer resulting from the change in the manner of bringing the Goods into compliance with the Sales Agreement.
8. The Seller shall repair or replace the Goods within a reasonable time from the moment when the Seller was informed by the Consumer about the non-compliance of the Goods with the Sales Agreement and without excessive inconvenience to the Consumer , taking into account the nature of the goods and the purposes for which the Consumer purchased them.
9. The costs of repair or replacement of the Goods are borne by the Seller. The consumer is obliged to make the Goods subject to repair or replacement available to the Seller in order to collect them, which takes place at the expense of the Seller.
10. The consumer may submit a statement of price reduction or withdrawal from the contract if the Goods are inconsistent with the Sales Agreement when:
a) the Seller refused to bring the Goods into compliance with the Sales Agreement;
b) the Seller has not brought the Goods into compliance with the Sales Agreement;
c) the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract still occurs, despite the fact that the Seller has tried to bring the Goods into compliance with the Sales Agreement;
d) the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract is significant enough to justify an immediate price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement;
e) it is clear from the Seller’s statement or circumstances that he will not bring the Goods into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time or without excessive inconvenience to the Consumer.
11. The reduced price must be in such proportion to the price resulting from the Sales Agreement, in which the value of the Goods inconsistent with the Sales Agreement remains to the value of the Goods in accordance with the Sales Agreement. Reimbursement of the amount due as a result of exercising the right to reduce the price takes place no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s statement on the price reduction.
12. The Seller may not accept the Consumer’s declaration of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement if it proves that the lack of compliance of the Goods with the Sales Agreement is irrelevant.
13. In the event of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, the Consumer immediately returns the Goods to the Seller at his expense. The Seller returns the price no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Goods or proof of sending them back.
14. The Customer who is a Consumer has the option of using out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. In particular, she/he may:
• apply to the permanent amicable consumer court operating at the Trade Inspection with a request to settle a dispute arising from the concluded contract,
• apply to the voivodship inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute,
• use the free assistance of the poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman or social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (e.g. Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers).
Detailed information on the possibility for the Customer who is a Consumer to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and redress as well as the rules of access to these procedures are available at the offices and on the websites of poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection and at the following Internet addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:
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